Annual Conservation
Tree and Shrub Sale
The Natchitoches Soil and Water Conservation District will be hosting this year's Annual Conservation Tree and Shrub Sale. Sale will be only for 2 days, on March 13 (Wednesday) & 14 (Thursday) 2024, in Downtown Natchitoches at the corner of Williams Ave. and St. Clair Ave. We will not be taking pre-orders this year.
We will have a variety of bare root and potted trees, as well as shrubs. Some of the varieties available will include River Birch, Live Oak, Sawtooth Oak, Strawberry Bush, Chinquapin, Chinese Chestnut, White & Pink Dogwood, Crape Myrtle, Fern, Azalea, Gardenia, Hydrangea, Indian Hawthorne, Sweet Olive, Sago Palm, Mayhaw, Apple, Peach, Pear, Plum, Blueberry, Fig, Native Pecan, and many others.
The tree sale is our largest fund-raising event of the year. All proceeds of the sale directly benefit our community. Funds raised from this event help sponsor area projects such as: Feral Hog Program, Soil and Water Stewardship Week, Conservation Education Programs, Forestry Awareness, and Restoration of Wildlife Habitats.
You may call our office at 318-352-7100 ext 3 or by email at benny.dobson@la.nacdnet.net for availability and prices; and check us out on Facebook.